The return of The Hanumen — the testosterone-driven ensemble band created by John de Kadt, Benjy Wertheimer and Gaura Vani — has been one of the most anticipated events in this kirtan addict’s year. Who could resist this combination of three exquisite musicians, each with a heart as big as Hanuman’s (and humors to match)?
We caught up with the multi-instrumentalist mantra revolutionaries at a true hotbed of revolution, Goddard College in Plainfield, Vt., near the end of their short, sweet tour up the East Coast (don’t worry, West Coasters: The Hanumen are coming your way in September). Afterward, we got to sit down with all four of the current incarnation of this band of bhakti brothers — bassist Purusartha Dasa being the fourth — for an interview that turned into more of sit-down comedy routine at times:
The Hanumen played in “the pit” at Goddard — fitting, perhaps for revolutionaries whose publicity photos show them covered in mud? — an acoustically correct sound stage from which the college’s community FM station, WGDR, audiocast the concert live to the world. (A recording of it may be forthcoming, we’re told.)
Their concert covered a lot of sacred ground in mantra music…
delicious drum poetry from John de Kadt, beginning with the dreamily invitational, “Come Dance With Me”…
an Alleluia solo in the 12th century Gregorian Chant tradition from Benjy Wertheimer that took our breath away…
Gaura Vani’s inimitable playfulfulness, sacred story-telling, and powerful call-and-response leadership…
and even a little dance lesson in the “Swami Shuffle” from quiet, dimunitive Purusartha Dasa.
The evening was packed with pleasant surprises, beautifully showcasing the master musicianship of each individually and melding them seamlessly into a smooth flow of original compositions, ancient chants, reincarnated gospel songs, and instrumental interludes. Luscious.
Check our YouTube page for the latest uploads from The Hanumen @ Goddard!
See also: