The Bhakti Beat @ Shakti Fest: It was one of those quirky moments that Bhakti Fest is becoming famous for, like the two weddings last year. No matrimonials occurred during this year’s fest, but a young man named “Irish Dave” did get the ball rolling after Jai Uttal’s set Saturday night at Shakti Fest.
Slender and blonde with a pierced lip and a shock of long hair off one side of his crown, Dave jumped up on stage (at the invitation of Bhakti Fest emcee Shiva Baum) just as Jai and his musicians were putting down their instruments. Then he turned to his beloved…
Ooops that’s not it. Hahaha, couldn’t resist this crop.
No, it wasn’t Daniel Paul Dave wanted to marry. He called his girlfriend to the stage, a lithe, tattooed young woman who promised to “get him for this,” and he made a short, touching speech before pulling a small black box from his pocket and dropping to one knee to …well, you can figure out the rest. Right there in front of 1,500 or so bhavved out bhaktas glued to the drama unfolding on the stage. Just look at the faces on the back-stage onlookers…
It was a match made in kirtan heaven: apparently the couple met at a concert with Deepak Ramapriyan and his Breath of Life Tribe. “Thirteen months ago I had no idea this community existed,” Dave told the crowd in a slight Irish brogue before turning to his beloved. “Before I met you I was in darkness and you brought me into the light. I truly, madly, deeply, love you. Would you be my wife?” Yes, the proposal even rhymed…
Talk about pressure. Thankfully for Irish Dave’s ego, the object of his adoration, Tonia, said yes. Make that, SCREAMED yes!
And perfectly on cue, the music rose up again. See for yourself:
File this under “Only at Bhakti Fest.”
More Shakti Fest Coverage:
Jai Uttal: The Essence of Bhakti Fest
Loco for Lokah & the Bhakti Dance
Bhakti Fest Seeds Planted at Woodstock in ’69