What’s ahead: A weekend with KD at a former monastery; John de Kadt and friends nourish New England; Girish heads (a little) east , Larisa Stow heads (a little) south and David Newman heads (a lot) west. Plus, an open-mic kirtan bhavs on near Boston. And more… Here’s where you can find the bhav this weekend (Jan. 26-30, 2012).
Don’t forget to tell us where you’ll be chanting — and send in your events for upcoming editions of Where’s the Bhav?
Best of the Weekend Bhav
Krishna Das at New York’s Garrison Institute
Krishna Das makes our top picks the second week in a row because, well, he’s Krishna Das. And because a weekend retreat with the chantmaster himself is a very special treat that doesn’t come around that often. This weekend KD and friends will convene at the Garrison Institute, a former Franciscan monastery in a sleepy little Hudson Valley hamlet just up the train line from Manhattan. The friars are gone now, but the old walls will be resonating with sacred sounds from Friday night to Sunday afternoon: kirtans both nights, afternoon “workshops” with KD, daily chanting of the Hanuman Chalisa, and morning asana class with Jeremy and Lily of the Brooklyn Yoga School. The full weekend is still open, as are the public concerts, if you hurry. Stay tuned to this space for full coverage. And if you can’t make this one, there are a few more KD retreats coming up: at Sivananda Ashram in the Bahamas, Blue Spirit in Costa Rica, and in Orlando. (Do you see a sun-oriented theme there?) See KD’s schedule for deets.
John de Kadt & Paul Fran-zik Nourish New England — and Haiti
John de Kadt pairs his divinely inspired drum poetry with the conscious-folk music of singer/songwriter Paul Fran-zik to help feed children in Haiti — and you might say, hearts in New England. The Nourish mini-tour kicks off outside Boston, at Bliss Life Yoga in Rehoboth, Mass., with a concert Friday night, then heads to Portland, Me. on Saturday (Bhava Yoga School) and Montpelier, Vt. on Sunday (Yoga Mountain Center) for afternoon workshops and evening concerts at each stop. Proceeds benefit Fran-zik’s Feed Them With Music charity.
You know John de Kadt, right? Drum Poetry, Rhythms of the Infinite — his CDs are amazing, and his live performances never fail to move. And then there’s this little bombshell of a music video he dropped last fall, which never fails to blow me away:
Girish ReMixes It Up in Sedona & Vegas
Okay, Sedona is a natural for sacred music, right? With all those energy vortices, soul gatherings, and its own Bhakti Tribe, it’s definitely a stop on the kirtan path of many touring chanters — and will be for Girish on Sunday night for a concert benefiting the local Desert Star School. But Vegas? The Sin City may not exactly be synonomous with a kirtan hot-spot, but hold onto your kartals, because it’s getting there. Thanks largely to the efforts of Shivani, a local chantress, Las Vegas kirtan thrives — it even has its own Web site. Bhav on Vegas! Girish is at Blue Sky Yoga on Monday night. Don’t miss the latest album from Girish, “Remixed,” which takes nine of his most-loved songs and makes them even yummier with some dubstep, dance and reggae grooves. Sublime!
Larisa Stow & Shakti Tribe Road Trip + Durga Das in Cali
Our favorite Tribe of Long Beach, Calif.-based mantra rockers will be stirring it up at Yoga Soup in Santa Barbara Saturday night, then onto Ventura for a Sunday morning “service” at the Ventura Center for Spiritual Living that the Tribe says will be “a music-filled celebration of the Highest within ourselves!” You can count on that — Larisa Stow & Shakti Tribe have a way of getting under your skin and going straight to the heart. You’ve heard their latest CD, right?
In Santa Monica, Bhakti Yoga Shala junkies will not be disappointed this weekend, when David Newman aka Durga Das kicks off a mini-California tour there Saturday night, along with Mira and Philippo Franchini. Then David heads north for gigs with Girish in San Francisco and Santa Cruz next weekend.
Open Mic Kirtan Is the Bhav Near Boston
Who needs “big-name” chanters anyway? Community kirtan is where it’s at, and it’s happening coast to coast. In West Concord, Mass., for example, they’re going on their 4th straight year of last-Saturday-of-the-month kirtans, according to John Calabria, who started the Boston Kirtan and Satsang group on Facebook to connect local kirtaniyas online. A tight group has built up around these “for the people, by the people” events — people have been known to brave Nor’easters to get to them! If you’re anywhere near Boston, check out this grass-roots chant-along, where anyone who wants to leads the call, Saturday at Yoga and Nia for Life.
The Rest of the Weekend Bhav
Here’s a quick round-up of what else is going on this weekend in the kirtan world.
A triple play of bhakti love with Deepak Ramapriyan and the Breath of Life Tribe, the Temple Bhajan Band, and Bhakti Dance. Saturday 1/28, 7 p.m. at Naam Yoga, Santa Monica. Can you say bhaktified dance party?
- Mindful Music and Sangha, an evening of formal meditation to live music, with four musical acts including “the wild and… jazzy kirtanwallah with Rick Chant and Michael Wachs.” Friday, 1/27, 7:30 p.m. at Against The Stream Buddhist Meditation
Society, Los Angeles. - In Los Altos, Ananda Rasa Kirtan with David Estes. Saturday 1/28, 7:30 p.m. at Yoga of Los Altos.
- Bhagavan Das kicks off a southern tour in Charleston, S.C. this weekend, with satsang Friday night, a Nada Yoga workshop Saturday afternoon and a kirtan concert Saturday night. All at Jivamukti Yoga Charleston; details here.
- Texas wallahs the Bhakti House Band are back in their home turf and leading kirtan in Fort Worth Friday and Dallas Saturday. Never heard the Bhakti House Band? Well listen up here. We’re loving their vibe, and they have a new CD that’s oozing with bhakti love.
- Community kirtan is alive and well in Columbia, Md., where Sacred Chants Kirtan has been gathering friends in the DC-Baltimore area to chant together for more than 10 years! At the Yoga Center of Columbia, Saturday 1/28, 7:30 p.m.
- While we’re talking about community kirtan, can we just say: Colorado kicks it. The scene is thriving in Boulder, Denver and elsewhere. Yoga Rocks the Butte, a kirtan & music fest in Crested Butte, is coming up Feb 10-12, bringing in Dave Stringer, Govindas, Steve Gold and more for a kirtan infusion. This weekend, Coloradans can warm up those vocal cords at Star House Kirtan in Boulder, or with Tom Fuhrman, who’s hosting a house kirtan in Littleton on Saturday.
In Woodstock, N.Y., long-time kirtaniyas Ned & Lynn are celebrating the release of their first CD, Bhakti Treasure, with a CD-release party at MaMA’s in Stone Ridge, N.Y., Friday night at 7:30.
In NYC (Brooklyn actually), Devadas is holding space at the Brooklyn Yoga School’s weekly Friday night kirtan, beginning at 8 p.m. Pure devotional chanting from an Amma devotee.
- Boston-area Amma devotees will gather for drumming and dancing lessons at the Samadhi Center, Sunday, 1-4 p.m.. Net proceeds benefit Amma’s Boston program. We caught the Cape Cod African Drummers and Dancers at the Boston Yoga & Chant Fest last July, and they totally rocked the fest. So much fun.
Okay, your turn. What did we miss? Where are you chanting this week?
Please send events to bpatoine@aol.com, or post them to The Bhakti Beat’s Facebook page. Or Tweet us!
Ravi with be chanting as part of Yoga Day in Keene NH