Do you have any of these symptoms?
1. You wake up humming the Hanuman Chalisa.
2. You’ve exceeded your internet data allowance watching kirtan livestreams.
3. You have at least one pet — or possibly a child — named after a Hindu deity.
4. Your family whispers behind your back because every time they see you you’re quietly singing Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.
5. When the Jehovah’s Witness comes to your door, you try to convince them that Jesus and Krishna are the same…because, you know, Maharaji said so.
6. You know who Maharaji is.
7. You secretly fantasize about becoming a roadie for Krishna Das. Or Dave Stringer. Or Girish…
8. You’ve ever been stopped for speeding with a kirtan CD blasting in your car.
9. You dumped your boyfriend/girlfriend because they kept complaining that the only “music” you ever play is kirtan.
10. You’ve emptied your savings account buying plane tickets and weekend passes to Bhakti Fest, Omega Chant, and any other kirtan festival, retreat or event you can get to.
If any of these signs describe you, you might be a kirtan addict. There is no cure, but don’t despair: the treatment is simple…
Chant more.
Whatever you do, just…

And follow The Bhakti Beat, of course!
And then we could talk about kirtan withdrawal symptoms. 🙂
I can so totally relate. How about festival withdrawal symptoms?
Currently learning the Hanuman Chalisa — sheesh.
OM my GOODness!! Takes one to know one? Haha!!
My name is Debra, and I’m a chantaholic kirtan addict. …and the only 12 step program I’m interested in is one that gets me closer 12 steps closer to the next kirtan festival!!! 😉
See you at Bhaktifest Midwest… Yes!! 🙂
Why are you guys are only in the US?!!! Come to Europe come’on! I’m dying for a Bhakti festival here in Europe!!! Any address, any clue ?
Dear Helene,
Thanks for your comment. You mean Bhakti Fest in Europe?? Hey, we’re still waiting to hear about an East Coast Bhakti Fest! But we’ve no doubt that Sridhar Silberfein has his eye on Europe as well…
In the meantime, we understand that European kirtan festivals are on the rise. The Bliss Beat Festival in Italy was just last weekend and the Namaste Yoga Festival in Germany was in March — maybe not as big as Bhakti Fest, but it’s a start. Check both of those out for next year. And there are more, I’m sure of it…Can anyone help fill us in on European kirtan festivals?
Maybe not Kirtan as such, but I have been teaching the magic of MANTRA all over Europe for the last 45 years, leaving many happy chanters in my wake! Just a couple of months ago we had a Mantra Bonanza with 75 participants in Nice, in southern France . What a roof-raiser that was!
You can check it out on my Facebook Timeline or see my summer Mantra Tour of the UK coming up soon on!
We are not so backward as all that over here in Europe. 🙂
Happy to admit I’m guilty 🙂
Yes, you are guilty. Welcome to the club. 🙂